Mom’s Stuffing

Mom's Stuffing |

It is Thanksgiving Week, day two! This is the most exciting day of this week for TheBetterHalf – stuffing!  I talked about this in my post on Stuffing Bread (side note: make this bread immediately for your leftover turkey sandwiches! so good!), but TheBetterHalf LOVES stuffing. I mean he loves all food (we’re a good match), but I think he really gets the most excited about stuffing.  Continue reading

Stuffing Bread

All the flavors of your favorite Thanksgiving stuffing baked into a loaf of bread!

Stuffing Bread |

Yes, you read that title correctly – Stuffing Bread!  A loaf of bread that tastes just like your favorite Thanksgiving stuffing.  Wow.  When I saw this recipe on King Arthur Flour, I knew I HAD to make it for TheBetterHalf.  He is a stuffing fanatic.  Whenever we talk about Thanksgiving, all he can focus on is stuffing.  But I have never actually made stuffing for him. See he likes his grandmothers special stuffing recipe, and I really can’t compete with that.  But a loaf of bread that tastes like stuffing?  That I can do!  And it definitely gets his seal of approval. He declared this his favorite bread that I have ever made.  Gold star for me! Continue reading